Dreams Delivered x Disney

Baptiste recently had the amazing opportunity to showcase our luxury silk scarves at Disney’s London offices alongside other incredible female entrepreneurs. Being part of this showcase was a surreal mix of emotions, from the initial nerves to the deep gratitude for the chance to participate with Disney and celebrate women in business. 

This experience has taught me about the power of perseverance and the importance of honouring my passions and putting myself forward. I began this creative journey with a vision to highlight craftsmanship and heritage in the luxury market whilst allowing women to boldly express themselves.

Baptiste is a labour of love and being able to share our work, meet the staff at Disney and talking about our design process was an honour. Being surrounded by the enchantment of Disney was a reminder that every challenge conquered can bring us closer to realising our vision. I was filled with so much joy!

Thank you all for being an integral part of our journey!

With heartfelt appreciation,

Jenine Baptiste

Creative Director, Baptiste

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